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Accountability Partner & Mentorship

An accountability partner is a trusted companion who helps you make progress toward a commitment you have made.
A good accountability partner supports your goals and values. He or she will help you build momentum to meet your commitments, focusing on your successes and the end goal.

While you are responsible for yourself, your accountability partner can greatly help in your success journey. And finally, a good accountability partner refuses to accept excuses or let you get away with doing less than you agreed to pursue.

Interested to know more, then drop a message and
my team will connect with you.

Experience Growth and Satisfaction

An accountability partner is your right-hand supporter who will stand by your side through ups and downs and who will work with you to achieve your goals. It can help hold you to your business, professionals & personal goals while keeping you responsible for your actions.

Why do you need an accountability partner?

How many times you have made resolutions and left them unfinished? Or you struggle to have a conversation with your supervisor or boss or even sometimes with your better half. Or thought of starting your business and did nothing?

It's not that you don't have courage or spark. But it needs a push and the right environment to transform yourself.  

When you are in the middle of things, you can rarely see the complete picture, and your focus is to get things done. But in this process, it's important to see who you are becoming and align with your long-term goal?  

There is a great way to learn how to achieve your goals and work on aspirations, dreams and hobbies.  With an accountability partner by your side, you can stay focused on your goals to further your personal development and achieve all your ambitions. It's a committed, reciprocal relationship to drive both partners towards success. 

Who Should Join?

1.If you are taking a higher role or responsibility.
2. Struggling with team anxieties.
3. Time management.
4. If you want to create a shared vision with your team
5. Want to become more productive.
6. Interested to do more with fewer resources.
7. Want to nurture your ideas.
8. Interested to explore employee to entrepreneur.
9. Handling workload pressure.
10. Expectation management.
11. Interested to work on Financial Freedom.
12. Interested to work on Aspirations and Dreams. 

You are 3 steps away from Transformation

Step 1: Drop a message briefly explaining what are you looking for.
Step 2: Our team will connect with you.
Step 3: Book 45 mins slots for discussion.

Vijay Dhoke


Interaction with Ravi brought profound insights to convert my anxiety into a productive outcome. Having Ravi as an accountability partner has helped me avoid distractions, focus on my goals and improve personal effectiveness.

Ravi Mahajan

Mentor & coach by choice and Engineer by profession. I like to work on challenging projects, strategise them and execute for success.   As a child, I was average in academics but later turned out to be Gold Medalist with consistent focus and efforts. The journey from low confidence engineer to Vice-president made me a good team player and a leader which helped me to deliver many challenging projects. Now I am helping people and organisation in their transformation journey by working on mindset. 

My vision is to enable ambitious professionals and people to maximize their potential and success. I am doing this by creating an Ecosystem and community, wherein people will realize their potential which will help them to achieve significant success in professional as well personal life.